
Thank you for your prayers.
I recently went to an event,
and I thought if Jesus actually returned
during this conference,
the organizers would be shocked.
Being weird for weird's sake
is not good.
But being weird for a purpose
is powerful.
We are making a way for the coming of the Lord.
Being upright
in a world that is bent
is a weapon.
Being holy in a world that is
is world shaking.
God becoming Man
in a world that worships
marble statues,
and keeps rules
for no apparent reason,
is revolutionary.
You make a way for the coming of the Lord
by making this world like heaven.
You make a way for the coming of the Lord,
when you offer God
your body
like Mary did,
and say
"Let it be to me
according to your word."
And you make a way for the coming of the Lord,
when you listen to God,
and do what he says,
like Joseph
who didn't run from the call to raise
the Son of God.
Pregnancy leads to birth.
Faith leads to fulfillment.
Obedience leads to blessing.
Live your life with expectation,
not just for Christmas,
but for the fulfillment of all things.
Part of your calling
and creator
is to life there here.
That is weird,
but it is on purpose.
Even so,
Come Lord Jesus.
He Never Fails,

Join us for prayer and worship.