Ideas Worth Stealing
This took me back to the Marketing Seminar with Seth Godin. Seth Godin answered the question "What do you do when someone steals your idea?"

Thank you for your prayers.
I called my personal assistant,
and I was vexxed.
That morning I received an email from another ministry,
and to my surprise,
I wrote it.
It was one of my Friday Emails,
with someone else's signature at the bottom.
This took me back to the Marketing Seminar
with Seth Godin.
Seth answered the question
"What do you do when someone steals your idea?"
Seth's answer:
Take it as a compliment.
You will have more ideas,
and you must be having good ideas,
because they are valuable.
"Go have more good ideas
that are worth stealing."
For over eighteen years
I have been sharing my good ideas with the world.
Ministries measure income,
book sales,
and numbers as the sign of success.
When others were measuring capital,
I was making wealth.
My good ideas are my wealth.
So are yours.
And over time,
other things come and go,
but we keep going.
We are seeing long term fruit
based on a solid foundation.
What I teach is not flashy,
but it works.
Know the Scriptures and the Power of God.
Listen to the Lord and do what He tells you.
Be the best at your craft,
and go into the dangerous place.
God called Belonging House
to raise up an army of artists,
who will build him a throne in the earth.
God is calling us to build the throne of David,
the throne our Lord will sit upon
when he returns.
We are called to make disciples
in the arts
so that the cultures of the earth will become
That's Bible.
One of my big challenges
is that we never got a "start up."
Like many artists
there has never been financial capital on the front end.
As one friend said,
"Online you do not look like what you are."
Even so,
we keep growing.
We have ideas worth stealing,
and God provides.
I am now based in the high rent district of London,
with no visible means of support--
No credit cards,
no debt,
no big trust fund,
and no ongoing appeals for cash.
Think about that.
Miracles are often overlooked
when people count the wrong thing.
A few weeks ago
I mentioned going "open source."
Over the next few weeks,
I am going to share more about this.
By Thanksgiving I intend
to make my resources free and open to all.
The print editions
and the audio books
will still be sold at fair market value.
But ebooks will be free.
God has given me wealth,
and I want to share that wealth with the world.
Next week I am going to talk about going viral,
and the power in a generous community that shares.
He Never Fails,
P.S. And speaking of generosity, I have received questions about supporting Belonging House. The BEST way is at the Stripe button below. You can still give coffee if you prefer, and for those who like commitments, there is Patreon. You can also become a paid subscriber, and that would be awesome! You are the flow of God's supply. Thanks.
P.P.S. The clocks change in the UK this week. See below.