New Year Flow

Thank you for your prayers,
blessings on this ninth day of Christmas,
and happy New Year.
My daily rhythm
begins around five in the morning.
I make coffee,
and then I open up my daily office,
and read the daily scripture readings.
And as I invite others to do,
I focus my attention on the daily gospel reading.
Many mornings
I have to push through "static"
and I have to ask God to show me
heaven's perspective,
and often I have to forgive someone,
or I have to let go of anger over something.
Anger stops the flow of life.
Being a shepherd to a growing flock of artists
requires a constant flow of the life of the Holy Spirit.
I am learning
that in order to receive,
I have to make open space in my life.
Sometimes open space means
giving something away,
letting go of a dream or desire,
or releasing a person.
Recently, I have done some hard letting go
in order to make space that only God can fill.
And the same is true
for artists and creative people.
Often we get clogged up
with our dreams,
and ideas.
I get a new idea about once an hour.
You have to let them go.
I write them down
and I give them away.
You cannot hold onto them.
Ideas are just ideas,
some are good,
and some are bad.
No idea is precious.
And when you let go,
or set free,
you begin to sense the flow again.
It is a new year,
and many of us are faced with unanswered questions,
and unbelievable challenges.
And the only way you can get a new start
is to release the old season.
It's okay.
Things don't always go the way we hope.
Sometimes even a word from God,
doesn't work out in the time frame
or the circumstances
we thought they would.
Your hearing wasn't wrong--
there were things in the mix
that were outside of your control.
It's okay.
release the thing blocking your path.
Put it in God's hands,
and believe that he will work it out
better than you can.
And breathe deep
the air
from the open space
in your life.
God has more for you
and can fill it in ways you never imagined.
He Never Fails,