
Thank you for your prayers.
Can you feel the cultural wind shifting?
The folks who controlled the conversation
and determined the cultural questions
are on the run.
This is the end of the generation of the Sons of Eli,
and the emerging Generation of David.
I knew this day was coming,
because you can only
hide behind a smoke screen
of moral and intellectual
for so long.
the cultural tree begins to bear fruit.
I have been digging down to
the bedrock of the Kingdom of God
to find the footing for an
army of artists.
I came back to the U.S.
to sort out a few administrative problems.
I discovered that I didn't need to fix,
I needed to rebuild.
The past few weeks have been spent
asking friends questions,
and reading.
In the midst of this,
the opportunity to buy a house appeared,
and this also changed my focus.
Last week,
God began talking to me about the
next forty years:
And how we will need to rebuild
the cultural foundations
that have been devastated.
Belonging House is not about me,
or my personal brand,
or even my books and teaching.
It's about raising up a place in the earth
the reflects the culture of heaven.
And the best way to do this
is the way that has always been the best,
tell stories,
write songs,
paint pictures,
create signs and wonders.
This is how you create culture.
Christian leaders are already committed
to the stuff that is collapsing.
They are thirty years behind the culture,
and this change is happening very fast.
We have to get ahead of the shift.
In the next few weeks
we will be launching a new non-profit.
We will begin putting in place
the structures to disciple
and provide pastoral care
for an army of artists
who are called to a task a lot like
Ezra and Nehemiah,
who rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem.
We are going to establish
a system of membership for our community,
so that we can provide a safe home for those
who are called to our core mission,
without distractions.
We are going to establish a fund
to help
emerging artists get started,
and also provide help with healthcare.
And we are going to create the hub
that will make it easier for me to travel the world
without fear that I won't have a place to go home to.
And of course,
we will keep creating resources
and make this open source media company viable.
The David generation
is on the horizon.
He Never Fails,
Join us for prayer and worship.