The Power of God
The Holy Spirit is the presence of Jesus in us. And without the life of the Holy Spirit, everything else is an empty ritual, a dry, dusty doctrine, a dead orthodoxy.

Thank you for your prayers.
The one who leads in the arts
disciples the nations.
You cannot disciple the nations without the Holy Spirit.
There are folks out there who
believe and teach
that the Holy Spirit withdrew
and the gifts of the Holy Spirit
when the Bible was finished.
This is called "cessationism"
and it is rank heresy.
Jesus said,
"You know not the Scriptures and the Power of God."
So the Power of God
is as important as the Bible.
You cannot have one and not the other.
Psalm 115:2 says
"The Lord is in heaven,
and He does whatever He wills."
In other words,
the Lord who spoke and made the heavens,
can speak and heal a body.
The Lord can speak and provide a herd of pigs
for Saint Patrick.
The Lord can speak
and release someone from addiction.
The Lord can speak and inspire artists.
And if you have a daily encounter with the Holy Spirit,
you discover something very interesting.
God is not a set of static doctrines or ideas.
God is not an "it" or an "other."
God is not the "universe."
God is your Father.
Jesus is your friend,
The Holy Spirit
dwells within you.
Disciples have dynamic lives.
Lives that are mysterious,
and life changing.
God takes his word
in the Bible,
and writes it on your heart.
And you change.
And that transformation,
over time
is the greatest evidence
of that mighty power
that raised Jesus from the dead.
The Holy Spirit is the water
that heals all the divisions.
The Holy Spirit is the lover of our soul.
The Holy Spirit is
the presence of Jesus in us.
And without the life of the Holy Spirit,
everything else is an empty ritual,
a dry, dusty doctrine,
a dead orthodoxy.
You need the Word and Holy Spirit.
You need the supernatural helps and graces
of the the Lord.
This is a dangerous time
and you can't rely on a commitment you made
in youth group twenty years ago.
That's not being a disciple.
Bible, Bible, Bible.
"Come Holy Spirit, I need you."
Every day,
like a Marine.
Who ever leads in the arts,
disciples nations.
He Never Fails,

Thursday "Fire Team" Small Groups 7pm UK Time, 2 ET.
Join the Daily Prayer Furnace at 7 am ET/12 noon UK for 15 minutes Monday-Friday. Join us on Zoom.
The House of Artisans gather as a community for worship and holy communion on Sundays 1 pm ET/6 pm UK time. Join us on Zoom.
The Audio version of Artists at a Shift in Time is due for release November 1!